Deborah Rutherford
May 29, 2022
My timing can lead to stress and striving, but God says not so fast, my daughter.
Am I striving, then causing friction and confusion? This is when I slow down to rest in God's timing, ways, and rhythms -- to repent and return to Jesus, the One who carries.
His will, not mine.
Dear Abba, oh Father, thank you for your tender-loving kindness and mercy.
Forgive me when I rush ahead of you, when I strive, push, and wander away. Oh, let me rest in you, your timing and ways, and slow down to stillness with you, where I hear your lovely voice.
My day is yours as you lead me through the most beautiful dance of life. My road is your beautiful, peaceful one. Please, help me stay on your narrow road of joy and peace, love and light, heading to the forever of ever with you, our love eternal.
Thank you, I am humbled by your love, in Jesus's name.
Slow down to the incredible life God has planned for you by resting in His timing, ways, and rhythm, the endearing moment by moment of God's love. I have to remind myself to slow down often, that God is growing me in His timing, not mine. My timing can lead to stress and striving, but God says not so fast, my daughter. Rest in His timing, ways, and rhythms.

Hi. I am Deborah Rutherford, a Christian wife, passionate about Jesus and her family. I am currently a writer, makeup artist, and sometimes singer. You can find me on my blog at www.deborahrutherford.com.
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