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The articles in this section represent work I have done over the past decade. The best of them will gradually be edited and posted in future issues of AT Magazine. In the meantime, feel free to take a look at any that interest you. At the end of each article, there is a comments section. Please use this space to offer suggestions and/or criticisms. Help me get these articles ready for publication.
David Cowles
Editor-in- Chief, AT Magazine


Either a ‘thing’ (res), an ‘actual entity’ (per Whitehead), is – or it is not. Take ‘A’, for example. ‘A’ is a thing (or event). It...


“If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the...


Being Good Beauty            Truth             Justice Love Presence Every important branch of philosophy focuses on one or more of these...


“Anamnesis”; it’s a mouthful…but a very important mouthful. It refers to the idea that some (or all) memories are not just passive...

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