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Jul 15, 2024

Ruth Embraced Resilience and Found Redemption

"Ruth demonstrates how resilience can reward us, showing that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope to be found for those who refuse to yield to despair."

Ruth Embraced Resilience and Found Redemption

Jul 15, 2024

You Really Were Born for This

"Esther’s journey from obscurity to influence exemplifies the profound truth that individuals are often placed in specific circumstances to fulfill significant purposes, even amid uncertainty and peril."

You Really Were Born for This

Jun 1, 2024

A Bird Teaches Humans a Lesson of Compassion, Bravery, and Love

"This black-crowned bird truly taught me three lessons today – compassion, bravery, and love. It’s a lesson I will cherish in my daily life."

A Bird Teaches Humans a Lesson of Compassion, Bravery, and Love

Jun 1, 2024

Embracing the Sacred Season of Summer: Who Will You Be at the End of Summer

"Summer is a season for resting and relaxation but also renewal and transformation."

Embracing the Sacred Season of Summer: Who Will You Be at the End of Summer

Apr 15, 2024

Comfort for Clumsy Believers: What the Disbelief of the Disciples Means for Us

"There is evidence that, in the backs of the disciples' minds, there was always the glimmer of the same question that shimmers on my frontal lobe today: 'But what if we’ve gotten it all wrong about him?'"

Comfort for Clumsy Believers: What the Disbelief of the Disciples Means for Us

Apr 15, 2024

Beyond the Rainbow Bridge: The Loss of a Pet and the Afterlife

"In the silence of loss, I cling to the whispers of hope, believing that beyond the veil of goodbye, our beloved pets wait, their love an eternal beacon guiding us through the darkness."

Beyond the Rainbow Bridge: The Loss of a Pet and the Afterlife

Apr 15, 2024

Finding Gold in the Scars

"We will adorn our scars with gold and reminisce on our journey—guided by hope."

 Finding Gold in the Scars

Apr 15, 2024

Navigating Easter to Pentecost

"Jesus was always teaching. Teaching, all the time."

Navigating Easter to Pentecost

Mar 1, 2024

The Journey to the Cross Is Our Journey Too

Is the journey to the Cross our stairway to Heaven?

The Journey to the Cross Is Our Journey Too

Mar 1, 2024

I'm Ageless and Timeless

“I am a spy; I can sense it, but I have no spy craft, no Bond-tech, and no ‘should you choose to accept it’ mission.”

I'm Ageless and Timeless

Mar 1, 2024

The Fork in the Road

"...And I'm ever grateful for His guidance."

The Fork in the Road

Mar 1, 2024

Is Techno-Optimism a New Religion?

“This is the first time I’ve seen AI presented with all the trappings of a new Aquarian theology.”

Is Techno-Optimism a New Religion?

Jan 15, 2024

Finding Light: A Prayer for Wisdom and Forgiveness

Embracing clarity, forgiveness, and purpose

Finding Light: A Prayer for Wisdom and Forgiveness

Jan 15, 2024


In the heart of poverty, a community's spirit shines, defying limitations, and embracing hope against all odds.


Dec 1, 2023

Choices that Lead to Deception

I often ponder over what drives individuals to opt for a deceitful path rather than a righteous one.

Choices that Lead to Deception

Dec 1, 2023

Do You Noh?

“In the eternal present, not only is every historical event preserved in real time, but every possible event is preserved as well.“

Do You Noh?

Dec 1, 2023

Refresh the Crèche

"Maybe it was that I, myself, had just given birth—but as I held the perfectly composed Mary in my hand, she no longer felt believable."

Refresh the Crèche

Dec 1, 2023

The Mystery of the Star of Bethlehem

For more than two millennia, the Star of Bethlehem, which guided the Magi to the city where Jesus was born, has been rousing the curiosity of researchers worldwide.

The Mystery of the Star of Bethlehem

Oct 15, 2023


“An idol is that with no this…the sound of one hand clapping. It is Alice’s Cheshire Cat – all face, no body; all hat, no cattle!”


Oct 15, 2023

The Dance of Autumn

"Autumn is a season of Remembrance – where we remember what God has done for us and are thankful and praise Him for His Goodness."

The Dance of Autumn

Oct 15, 2023

The Autumn of Our Own Existence

"A lot of people celebrate fall season with pumpkin pie, sweaters, and taking in crisp mornings. I love all of those, but mostly fall is a season to meditate on colors, death, and divine presence."

The Autumn of Our Own Existence

Sep 7, 2023

AI, Justice, and Job

“Can a Bot go beyond its programming and our inputs to devise unique solutions to novel problems - solutions that exhibit Justice as their determinative Value?” 

AI, Justice, and Job

Sep 1, 2023

Call Me a Dinosaur, I Won’t Use ChatGPT

"The fact of the matter is, we will never be like God, nor will we ever be able to create a system that knows everything, is capable of anything, and controls all things."

Call Me a Dinosaur, I Won’t Use ChatGPT

Sep 1, 2023

The Trajectory of AI: Balancing Promise and Caution

"Placing faith in AI to originate creations like art and music may lead to disillusionment. Ultimately, the true creator is a higher force."

The Trajectory of AI: Balancing Promise and Caution

Jul 15, 2023

Ave Maria

“Of course, no one needs to invoke Mary’s intercession… (but) imagine OJ without his Dream Team.”

Ave Maria

Jul 15, 2023

Summer of Enchantment

This is a rally cry for believers to be the most enchanted people on the planet. Otherwise, what are we even doing here?

Summer of Enchantment

Jul 15, 2023

Burying Biscuit (to Cole Porter) -- a Childhood in a Single Tale

"...of course it would be the home of a hamster with a preference for a song about a bunch of sinners on a cruise ship begging for a revival."

Burying Biscuit (to Cole Porter) -- a Childhood in a Single Tale

Jul 15, 2023

Never Skip Over the Miracle

"Once upon a time, a grittier version of me roamed barefoot and luxuriated not in material but in emotional response. "

Never Skip Over the Miracle

Jun 1, 2023

The Our Father

“This tiny prayer…is a cyber-wonks dream. The density of the information content is out of this world, quite literally!”

The Our Father

Jun 1, 2023

Prayer for Restoration

"I long to see the nearing restoration..."

Prayer for Restoration

Jun 1, 2023

The Structure of Prayer

Formal Christian Prayer is a cornucopia of spirituality. Yet in the Roman Catholic tradition at least, two prayers stand out: Jesus' prayer, the Our Father, and the Hail Mary (Ave Maria).

The Structure of Prayer

Jun 1, 2023

A Prayer for Comfort

"Dear Lord, thank you that you are Jehovah Shammah–"the Lord is there". (Ezekiel 48:35)

A Prayer for Comfort

Apr 15, 2023

My Breastplate

My Breastplate

Apr 15, 2023

Tantum Ergo

Tantum Ergo

Mar 1, 2023


“The eight beatitudes are a 'manifesto' for change, a change in the way we understand the world…behave in that world… (and) act toward one another.


Mar 1, 2023

Psalm 151

“But deliver us from evil,” this last verse is the key to the entire prayer.

Psalm 151

Mar 1, 2023

The Porta Potty Perspective

"Job was, you might say, trapped in a Porta Potty right there in the desert, despairingly dejected and despondent."

The Porta Potty Perspective

Mar 1, 2023

The Fight for Our Children's Hearts Starts at Home

For a culture that values education, we seem to forget that our children need to be educated in the Word, not just the world.

The Fight for Our Children's Hearts Starts at Home

Jan 15, 2023

How the Saints Taught Me Feminism

"Finding footing in a world that appears to condone worshiping men can be incredibly hard, especially when that world extends past every aspect of your being."

How the Saints Taught Me Feminism

Jan 15, 2023

Escaping Dostoevsky's Polar Bear

"Try to pose for yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear, and you will see that the cursed thing will come to mind every minute.”

Escaping Dostoevsky's Polar Bear

Nov 30, 2022

What the Shepherds Saw When the Light Shone Upon Them

"What really is going on at that moment, which so grips the artist’s imagination, moving him to bend every effort of will and skill to re-produce, under the sign of paint, the precise reaction of the shepherds on first seeing the Holy Infant? "

What the Shepherds Saw When the Light Shone Upon Them

Nov 30, 2022

The Leading Player of Memories

Maybe that’s what Judy Garland meant in “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” when she sang “we’ll have to muddle through somehow?”

The Leading Player of Memories

Nov 30, 2022

Burn the Candle

"Are there things that are too precious to expose to real life? Things we’re afraid might get soiled? Maybe the most beautiful parts of ourselves? Maybe our faith?"

Burn the Candle

Oct 15, 2022

St. Paul’s Lord’s Prayer

“But deliver us from evil,” this last verse is the key to entire prayer.

St. Paul’s Lord’s Prayer

Oct 15, 2022

That Time You Saw Dead People--What's so scary about that?

What scared me was that something I never thought was possible just might be.

That Time You Saw Dead People--What's so scary about that?

Oct 15, 2022

Prayer for Forgiveness of Self in Difficult Times

Prayer for Forgiveness of Self in Difficult Times

Sep 1, 2022

Judas Taught Me the Beatitudes

This nasty turn unnerved me, so I gathered myself together and drew a table with my comfortable beatitudes on one side and my uncomfortable ones on the other...

Judas Taught Me the Beatitudes

Sep 1, 2022

Serenity Prayer

Is the Sermon ‘in the can’ after all?

Serenity Prayer

Sep 1, 2022

BeHukkotai: Why Land is Different

Land is imbued with holiness, which means that, like God, it is beyond human measures of usefulness or control.

BeHukkotai: Why Land is Different

Sep 1, 2022

Prayer to Combat Disillusionment in Faith

For when you've lost the expectation of God in your life

Prayer to Combat Disillusionment in Faith

How to educate and evangelize in the “valley of the shadow of death," plus, original prayers and meditations as well as reflections on published prayers

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