Hadassah Treu
Sep 1, 2022
For when you've lost the expectation of God in your life
Lord, I struggle with disillusionment in faith. I have lost my expectation for You to move in my life. I have lost my belief that You still do miracles, and that You still do the impossible. I have lost my confidence that You still deliver and still move mountains.
Please expose and heal the wounds through which the disillusionment has come. Help me replace the false assumptions with your truth. Help me believe what is true about You and Your involvement in my life.
I declare now that You are gracious and compassionate, and righteous in all Your ways. (Psalm 111:4, Psalm 112:4, Psalm 116:5)
I trust You are actively involved and working in my life, bending Yourself to hear and respond to my pleas. (Psalm 113:5-6, Psalm 116:1)
I acknowledge that Your presence is here, in all my situations, and dark places, and it is enough. (Psalm 114:7)
I declare that You are my help and defense. (Psalm 115:9)
I trust You remember me and will bless me. (Psalm 115:12)
I choose to believe that You still have a future for me dependent only on Your grace, mercy, and power. (Romans 9:16)
I declare that pain and suffering are not my new life.
This is just a season of pain and grief. (Ecclesiastes 3:4)
Find the cracks in the foundation of my faith and fill them with Your grace and love. Instill in me fresh hope and perspective based on Your word.
Help me see every obstacle overcome. Strengthen me to believe that You can do with me, in me and through me, exceedingly above all I could ever ask and imagine.
Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.
In Jesus' name. Amen.

Hadassah Treu is an international Christian author, blogger, and poet, and the Encouraging Blogger Award Winner of 2020. She is passionate about encouraging people in their journey to faith and a deeper walk with God. Hadassah is a contributing author to several faith-based platforms and devotional and poetry anthologies. She has been featured on (In)courage, Living by Design Ministries, Thoughts About God, Today’s Christian Living (Turning Point), and other popular sites. You can connect with Hadassah at www.onthewaybg.com.
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