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Inside This Issue

“Either death is ultimately subjected to something greater and more general than itself (Being) or death ultimately subjects everything to itself and then nothing else has any meaning or value.” 

Albert Camus-Aletheia Today

“Of course, I have no name, no face, no identity; I belong nowhere.”

Heidegger -Aletheia Today

“In the absence of God, or any transcendent reality, the meaning of life can only be death, oblivion, the total absence of meaning, the Absurd.” 

The Meaning of Life-Aletheia Today

“Failure to appreciate the comic elements in Job has resulted in an almost universal misreading of the text.”

The Comedy of Job Aletheia Today

“We are not midway through the second act of a mystery play called Salvation… Brunhilda has sung; we just need to applaud!”

Apocalypse Now! -Aletheia Today

“This is possibly the shortest ‘play’ in all of literature…and yet it is arguably more important than anything Shakespeare (or even Andrew Lloyd Weber) ever wrote!"

The Book of Revelation-Aletheia Today

“We can say that God wills the events that constitute the world, even though God does not in any way cause those events to occur.”  

What is God's Will -Aletheia Today

“In this one verse…St. Paul proposes a radically new model of what it means to be a human being.”

Ephesians 2:10 Aletheia Today

“Children and tank engines are not so different from the rest of us. They crave meaning! They only settle for pleasure when…they lose hope.”

The Lego Movie and John Stewart Bell  Aletheia Today

“Zohar and Whitehead, separated by more than 500 years, both deliver us a map of the world where X marks the spot of the eschatological treasure.”

Whitehead and The Zohar-Aletheia Today

"I believe the role of a Christian mentor is ongoing, and it’s important to consider our role in the salvation of others."

Mentoring for God's Kingdom Aletheia Today

"I wonder how different the rest of the year, heck, the rest of my life would be if I did bottle summer’s secrets."

How to Summer All Year Aletheia Today

Formal Christian Prayer is a cornucopia of spirituality. Yet in the Roman Catholic tradition at least, two prayers stand out: Jesus' prayer, the Our Father, and the Hail Mary (Ave Maria).

The Structure of Prayer Aletheia Today

"I long to see the nearing restoration..."

A Prayer for Restoration Aletheia Today

“This tiny prayer…is a cyber-wonks dream. The density of the information content is out of this world, quite literally!”

The Our Father Aletheia Today

"Dear Lord, thank you that you are Jehovah Shammah–"the Lord is there". (Ezekiel 48:35)

A Prayer for Comfort Aletheia Today

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