Coming Attractions
David Cowles
Sep 1, 2022
“We’ll ‘listen’ to a performance of Handel’s Messiah and then ‘fly’ to London to take a look at Henry Moore’s iconic sculpture, Nativity.
No, this is not going to be another ad for ATM (our sister publication). Our Issue #3 did drop this morning, and it’s already creating some buzz…but moving on, I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about Aletheia Today’s plans for the future.
Our next issue of Aletheia Today Magazine (ATM, Issue #4), scheduled to be released on October 15, is our annual Holiday Issue - devoted to ‘that time of year’ starting with Halloween and ending on the Feast of the Epiphany.
We are hoping to ‘spice up’ our usual menu of philosophy, theology, and science with some candied apples, oyster stuffing, and eggnog. Already on tap: we’ll ‘listen’ to a performance of Handel’s Messiah and then ‘fly’ to London to take a look at Henry Moore’s iconic sculpture, Nativity. Much more to come!
ATM is organized into ‘subject matter departments,’ but we are launching various memes that we hope will cut across these department walls and cross-pollinate these too often sclerotic disciplines.
It is these ‘cross-cultural memes’ that will demonstrate, and perhaps even effectuate, the Great Convergence that Aletheia Today was formed to foster. Here are some memes that are already in our cauldron, simmering:
Pop Culture: Science and the Yellow Submarine Part II
The Concept of Time: The Nature of Time
We are not alone: Speaking Piraha
The 3 J’s: Genesis, Job and John: The Riddle of Job
Calling all writers!
ATM is looking for contributions from independent writers. Click here for our Writers’ Specs. Holiday-themed copy can be accepted no later than 10/1. In addition, we are planning a special issue, some time this winter, on the concept of time. If you have a time-related essay, we’d love to read it. What’s more? If it fits our tone and style, we’d love to publish it! Please note: young time has a curfew – it’s 11/1/22 for its special eponymous edition.
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